Compare this to last month!

Front Garden - The bubble gum redbud was beautiful, but skinny. It looks like a single trunk, and I look forward to seeing it mature and spread out.

I continued to move daphodils and a friend gave me a bunch of daylilly's from his garden. I used his plants to fill in holes in my daylilly's patch then realized this probably wasn't a great idea since he may have a different variety than I do and it will look crazy and haphazard. We shall see.
Hosta/Azaela Garden - I planted a bunch of mail order hosta roots. I've never seen plants arrive in this format and they are now starting to pop up.
This Hosta/Azalea garden is new this year, mostly because I needed a place to transplant hosts and azaleas. I am trying to make the ivy fill in the gaps. I added the poccahantas lilac for some early spring color, and I really love it.

This Hosta/Azalea garden is new this year, mostly because I needed a place to transplant hosts and azaleas. I am trying to make the ivy fill in the gaps. I added the poccahantas lilac for some early spring color, and I really love it.

The new square foot garden is underway. I had a small 4x4 plot last year that got eaten by slugs, so we shall see how this one does.
I've had a blast building this trellis. I didn't have a blast digging the holes for the posts - after going at it with a post differ, I hit some roots and ended up renting an auger. Which became stuck and required us to dig a huge 4ft deep hole in the roots to remove it. Not fun. The trellis still needs a top and some flowers in the pots. I can't wait until the Princess blooms - the Princess Diana clematis that is.

The front green garden will get some attention soon. I'm not sure what is going in here, but it will be green or silver.